
For purchases: $10 each on www.ellemichellecosmetics.ecrater.com

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Let's Get This Weekend Started!!!

So yes, Valentines Day was yesterday, although all I did was sit in LA traffic for about 3 hours.. and hang out with my best friend. But now that it is over, we have a 3 day weekend upon us people!! What should we do? Go to a cabin? Go to Vegas? Maybe Disneyland, or just relax with friends all weekend and eat some cookies!!!! But let's just say we want to go out for a night, whether it  be the movies or a club.. which I have been to enough of those to last me a life time, so no thank you, lol. So now you have to plan your outfit, your makeup.. whatevs I'm just gonna wear some sweats, but my hair and makeup will be done so I will be fine. It's true, thats a real situation that I tend to do sometimes lol. Regardless what your plans are, if you want a long lasting lipstick, that literally does stay on for hours upon hours, Elle Michelle Cosmetics lipsticks are extremely long lasting.. especially the matte colors. Anyways, I had stayed out all night a couple of weekends ago with some girlfriends, and I wore my POWERFUL lipsitck (the one in the picture), came home late, went to bed without washing my face... woke up and my lipstick was still perfect as if I had just out it on! Mind you, I did nothing at all that night to smear my lipstick in any way, except maybe eat some chicken wings, but of course I did you can't turn that down! So go live up your weekend.. take a bunch of selfies.. and personally I really like the kissy face... DO IT IF YOU WANT TO!!! I know I will be... and dont forget to put your lipstick in your bra where it's safe =).

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