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Sunday, March 2, 2014

Whose watching the Oscars??

 Are any of you watching the Oscars? I seriously cant help but be envious every time I watch these award shows. Its like going to prom as an adult, but being to win awards and listen to everyone tell you how pretty you look. Ugh, I wanna go!!! And might I add, it's about time Jennifer Lawrence become my best friend. With that being said, we can move on lol. Events like these, if you are obsessed with fashion and beauty, or even just a little bit curious, are what a lot of us live for... trend wise. I love being able to look at someone's face, and wanting to go upstairs to recreate it. And then go to the mall and try on prom dresses but whatever.  While we love to watch these things not only to see who wins, but see the best dressed, and to get new ideas for looks, or to just be inspired by everything going on, the beauty and the talent. But let me be honest, while getting "Hollywood's" opinions of whats hot or not is fun... it tends to be something I don't always listen to. Yes, I buy clothing based on trends that are out, but I take them to create my own. I was recently asked why I was having bright and bold colors launched in the winter, shouldn't it be darker colors. Simply, yet politely answered, I let this person know that I will launch whatever colors in whatever season my little heart desires to launch them in. Because I wear colors, in all seasons, because I like them... not because someone is telling me when I am aloud to wear them. Just like I dye my hair black, especially in the summer time. Anyways, I love watching these shows, as I am sure you do too, because I love being able to look at the situations these people are blessed to be in and admire them, or wish I was them so I could put a more positive light on something worth praising. Oh and one more thing.... Sarah Jessica Parker launched her shoe line in Nordstrom!!! My life is complete =)... STAY TRUE!!!!

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