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Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Okay, so yesterday I got the chance (for the second time) to guest speak at my amazing school FIDM... I graduated last June, and I am pretty sure I could live there. Anyways, I always find it weird when asked to guest speak, whether it be in classrooms or at open house.. while it is fun, I am not quite sure what much anyone can learn from me in such beginning stages of owning my own business. It is a lot of fun, it costs money, I have to constantly be creative, and I get to share a part of myself everyday with others... which has got to be the biggest reward... that and seeing everyone with my brand and giving me their feedback, that's super exciting. But I find myself wondering if they are thinking "why is she here? she just started this brand, and everything she makes goes right back into the company anyways?"... which is true, and I find myself thinking the same thing. But then I realize, I did just graduate, I am not going to be rich over night, I will probably make mistakes and that is okay because I will learn how to make the brand better because of those mistakes. So yes, I do have something to show when speaking at FIDM, or to anyone for that matter. While I may be in the beginning stages, I am doing something a lot of people are too afraid of doing... and I'm not afraid. I get to make my own decisions, I get to take everything I learned at this AMAZING school and incorporate it into my everyday life. It has been about 3 months since I have launched my own lipstick line. give me three years and see where I am at =).

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